Lost in the Fog... 7 or 8 properties!!! These are beautiful, awesome, expensive, audacious properties! If any of US owned them... we would be "counselled"
I agree with many, that the WT is "closing house."
having sold off their brooklyn properties for $$$$ the watchtower society is doing the same thing with their properties in london, england.
http://ibsaproperty.com .
Lost in the Fog... 7 or 8 properties!!! These are beautiful, awesome, expensive, audacious properties! If any of US owned them... we would be "counselled"
I agree with many, that the WT is "closing house."
i think many jw's have secret fears in common, but don't often voice them.
it's too bad because then they might wonder why?.
for instance, one day at work while i was talking to one of the witness ladies, (on her belief of some bible proof of the last days) she suddenly lowered her voice.
ok, I just have to know... Did any of you ever have this fear that IF you had a "demonic" experience... like a nightmare, and you woke up with your heart racing? or heard a weird sound that you didn't know where it was coming from, so it had to be a demon....
that IF you let on that you KNEW there was a demon that they would bother you more.... that would be IT!! you would REALLY have demon problems...
BUT, if you ignored them, pretended that they weren't there, they would go away?
There was a time when my JW sister had been hearing this weird 'chirping' sound in her hallway, by her bedroom for weeks, she pretended that it did not exist... ignored it... for WEEKS!
I came over, heard the sound, looked around... When I went towards it (to the left) the sound went to the right... When I looked right, it went left....
THEN, I looked up..... It was the smoke alarm... the battery had gone dead, and it was chirping! All that torture for weeks because she believed in demons!
I have had none of these experiences, or dreams since leaving. No demon worries. Ahhh... so glad to be free!
https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/cults-are-terrifying-they-re-even-worse-women-ncna862051 alexandra stein, ph.d. is an honorary research fellow at birkbeck, university of london.
her latest book, "terror, love and brainwashing: attachment in cults and totalitarian systems" was published in 2017cults are terrifying.
but they're even worse for women.
News organizations are getting more specific regarding Jehovah's witnesses thanks to the hard work put in by many caring ex-JWs. I love kids, was going to have 100 if them in "The new order " (1 every 10 years.. I would have to do it before the 1,000 year reign ended, right???!!!) I was so worried that "may be I would die before Armageddon, that I'd never get kids, that I made sure I had at least TWO!!! I am SO glad I did, I would be so mad of I didn't! Yes, these religions are ruining families lives. Thx NBC, thx, Barbara!
disclaimer: your mileage may vary.
if you are a married, "active, in good standing" (tm), jw male who has recently discovered that the .
watchtower is not what it claims to be, this thread is for you.
Open mind, thank you for this thread, and the links you provided in your original post. I really enjoyed reading about Ian (Dansk), and as I went back in time, I got to see other posters that were here when I first started, six (?) years ago.... T
This forum has it's 'waves' of styles and interests of subjects. In the "old days", haha, it seems like there were more in depth discussions regarding 607, etc. I guess most people have discovered the truth about that, and this forum still allows us to seek the solace we need as we escape the mind control of the borg.
Nice to see that you are still here ;-)
disclaimer: your mileage may vary.
if you are a married, "active, in good standing" (tm), jw male who has recently discovered that the .
watchtower is not what it claims to be, this thread is for you.
So sorry, crazy guy, only an ex-jdub can really feel the depth of what you said in such a short space. We understand the craziness, the 'loyalty' the insanity of their 'love' for the borg. It is like people who idolize rock stars.... "idolization"... the perfect word... love based on fantasy not reality. it is crazy. You have such a great spirit to have kept trying so hard for the sake of your daughter. I think it is the great people who leave... the ones with a heart, a soul and a conscience.
pull out a can of cheese whiz, top the bread with it, and take a nibble.. .
say really loud...."oh, wow!
jesus' body is really tasty this year!".
Hilarious! Nice to see you again. My sister & I had a good laugh! Thx for bumping ;-)
there is still a chance that the watchtower files zalkin received, will surface again in the future!
What the WT did, in it's last legal battle in Southern California is not going unnoticed... The Canadian TV documentary, airing today, has this clip regarding the fines WT is willing to pay.
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
Personally, I agree with others & think they have tithing already, they have just disguised them as "monthly contributions"
a friend and client and former politician just called me.
he knows people in the media and had offered a few months back to see if anyone would be interested in doing a story on what i'm doing through my podcasts this jw life" and "shunned".
of course i was excited but things take time and you never know if they'll pan out.
Congratulations! Good things are happening 😊
there is still a chance that the watchtower files zalkin received, will surface again in the future!
Brokeback let's hope the Gold mine comes through
Flipper Right?!? What is happening on the U.S.? Religion seems to have a strange connection with the law. Why DOES it seem so hard for children to be protected? And why DO courts order "protective orders?"
Smiddy3 When things "dont add up," it is all the more intriguing!